Getting Ready for the End of Year Accounts

Each year, companies need to complete annual accounts and copies of these accounts need to be sent to a number of different parties. These include HMRC, Companies House and shareholders. Although extremely important, not many businesses look forward to this task. In fact, each and every year, thousands of companies are fined due to submitting… Read more…

The Advantages of Cloud Based Accounting

The cloud has completely transformed the business world- outsourcing services to an online platform. In many cases this has freed up valuable time, space and resources, allowing companies to focus on business at hand. One area in which this has been particularly beneficial is within accounting. Accounting and financial services are integral to the success… Read more…

Xpert Technologies Launch

What’s your business goal for 2022? Whether it’s growing your sales, improving services or increasing efficiency, Xpert Technologies can help you get there. Our innovative software has been developed in partnership with Salhan Accountants and is completely free to their clients… no expensive licence fees here. Our objective is to help your business unlock the… Read more…

Autumn Budget 2021

The Chancellor Rishi Sunak presented his third Budget on 27 October 2021. In his speech he set out the plans to “build back better” with ambitions to level up and reduce regional inequality. Our summary focuses on the tax measures which may affect you, your family and your business. To help you decipher what was… Read more…