Top Tips to Keep you Motivated and Inspired

Motivation is sometimes difficult to come by, particularly in the post-Christmas slump. This is understandable as the festivities are over, the weather is grim and you’re back in front of your computer screen. This can be a frustrating place to be in, especially if you have a heavy workload or you’re trying to make a change. Fortunately, there are many ways to tackle apathy, boost motivation and feel inspired.


One of the issues when it comes to facing a heavy workload is the feeling of being overwhelmed by how much needs to be done. When there is no clear starting or ending point, it can be easy to lose motivation. This is where a plan can be extremely useful as it creates a clear map to follow, with set goals along the way. If you compile a list of goals, this allows you to hit specific checkpoints, providing a feeling of accomplishment. Your plan can be as detailed or as open as required, with daily, weekly or monthly goals.


When your workload feels large, unending and overwhelming, it’s no wonder that motivation can be in short demand. However, there is a very simple trick that can instantly make your workload feel easier to manage- break it up into smaller parts. Instead of trying to tackle one big job, think of it as many small but manageable jobs. It may seem simplistic but this technique can be transformative, particularly for those who are feeling the pressure.


It may seem counterproductive to take regular breaks when your work is piling up. However, time away, even if only a few minutes, allows you to reset, de-stress and return with a better mindset. Why not leave the office during dinner and take a quick walk around the block or complete a three-minute meditation at your desk. Even just some deep breathing exercises, regularly throughout the day can make a huge difference.


Acknowledging and celebrating a job well done, however small the accomplishment, can help to keep yourself motivated and inspired. Did you hit your deadline? Mark the occasion in some way, whether it be a small gift for yourself, a well-earned rest or even just a pat on the back. Rewarding yourself not only creates positive reinforcement but it also allows you to mark progress, again breaking up large workloads into manageable chunks.


When you’re lacking motivation due to the stresses of work, it can be easy for this anxiety to bleed into your private life. However, this is only going to make you feel more overwhelmed, creating a vicious circle. Setting clear boundaries between work and home is a good way to ensure that you have time to decompress and reset. Obviously, in some jobs this can be difficult as many of us take our work home with us. However, having specific set times in which you don’t check emails, respond to calls or generally think about work can be imperative for a good work/home balance. For those who can leave work at the office, ensure that your working hours remain consistent.

Force Start

One of the more frustrating aspects of a lack of motivation is the inability to start work. The need to be perfect can often have a paralysing effect, wasting time and energy. In situations such as these, it’s often useful to just force yourself to begin and not worry about the end result. Once you’ve started, this is often a catalyst for motivation, allowing you to get into a flow. Remember, you can always edit your work later.

When it comes to work, motivation is a vital component but we can’t always wait for it to arrive naturally. Sometimes you have to fake it, until you make it.