System Holdings Ltd: A Design-Focused Company That Creates Solutions For People

We are delighted to have had Entrepreneur First Magazine write the below article on Dr. Anjulika Salhan. REGARDING SYSTEM HOLDINGS System Holdings is a design-focused company that creates solutions for people. The company home in on the problems and barriers that prevent individuals from moving to the next level and leverages cutting-edge and emerging technologies such… Read more…

Editors Choice Award – CEO insights

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Anjulika Salhan has been selected to receive the Editor’s Choice award from CEO Insights (visit them at This award recognizes outstanding leaders who have demonstrated innovation and excellence across several key parameters while delivering high levels of customer satisfaction. It is an annual distinction that showcases the… Read more…

Xpert Technologies Launch

What’s your business goal for 2022? Whether it’s growing your sales, improving services or increasing efficiency, Xpert Technologies can help you get there. Our innovative software has been developed in partnership with Salhan Accountants and is completely free to their clients… no expensive licence fees here. Our objective is to help your business unlock the… Read more…

Autumn Budget 2021

The Chancellor Rishi Sunak presented his third Budget on 27 October 2021. In his speech he set out the plans to “build back better” with ambitions to level up and reduce regional inequality. Our summary focuses on the tax measures which may affect you, your family and your business. To help you decipher what was… Read more…

Keep Control of Your Emails

Research has found that the average office worker spends around 2 hours per day, opening, reading and responding to emails. Shockingly, this averages out to a whopping 30 days of the year dedicated only to emailing. The overbearing nature of business emails isn’t new, but it seems like it has become noticeably worse in recent… Read more…

Launch of Xpert Training

We excited to announce today the launch of Xpert Training – With the economy suffering, the job market has never been so competitive. Potential employees need to stand out from the crowd if they hope to secure a position. Alternatively, many individuals are turning to self-employment, creating their own position. With this in mind,… Read more…

How to Prepare for Brexit

The main focus of 2020 has been the Coronavirus Pandemic, rightfully so. However, Brexit is still looming on the horizon, and as the transition period ends and we officially leave the EU, businesses need to prepare. A year of lockdowns has already had a devastating effect on many businesses and allowing Brexit to do the… Read more…

How to Avoid Bad Debts

Many businesses will offer money to their customers and clients, in the form of credit. This is basically a loan that is paid back over a set time period, either with or without added interest. The idea of debt can be off-putting for many but it’s a vital part of business and can both attract… Read more…